It is the second week of treatment for her. Seems like the side effects of her medicine is wearing her off and her immune system too. Still she got that fighting spirit in her. Its still too early to determine whether the treatment is effective or not. Nobody is telling me anything and I never questions so I can only observe and guess. Little Israel is 1 month old tmr. That would really cheer her up.

My cousin is changing her plans. She is intending to send me to NZ for studies. Intending. Meaning..her intentions might change. I know her decisions and plans are based on what factors. I suppose she is preparing for the rain as well. So am I . Just that shes got the ability to make it happen while I don't. Whatever it is. I guess I should be glad that I am part of her plan. That someone cares about my future. But, is that what I want? I've always shun away from making big decisions. My decision have always been based on what people say. It only shows that I am not willing to take the responsibility. No.. this time.. I want to make my own decision.  Big or small matters, I don't want to let  other people's opinion change my course of action anymore. I've 1yr 9 mths to make my final decision.

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No man can ever know whats in another man's mind.

Expressions may just be a delusion

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1st time in so many weeks I felt so home(s)sick. It was a physical week, all that weights, climbings, fightings and running. Felt like my bones are breaking now but yet there aarre so many things I wanna do back home.

 It was a heavy laden week. Nobodys motivated. I am shutting down and I need a lil distraction. Field Camp is next week. I'll come out on a Sat and back on a Sun. Then confine for another weekend for Situational Test.

Will I last that long... ?

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其實現在我已適應這樣的生活了。 這個星期干媽開始她的化療。表面上她好像已看開了但是她告訴我她化療的過程時我還是覺得她有很多不舍。我好無助。在她面前我只好裝堅強不讓她擔心。
有時候心里藏太多東西好辛苦。我因該希望時間過的快一點還是慢一點? 一直都在自我催眠。我幾時才會醒過來? 現在我只想對著大海發呆。

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What a bugger...

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  • Oct 25 Sun 2009 00:14
  • Lost

After a fast paced week at tekong.
Suddenly the slow pace of civilian life made me felt so lost..
I've no idea what I want to do next...

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

At the end of this day.
Nothing escapes..
Nothing to conceal

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Oct 23 Fri 2009 23:21
  • ...


Helpless is...  not an option...

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hmm okie... I should do a lil introduction to my army life...

1 word....


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Absence makes the heart either

grow fonder

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I don't know by counting down like these helps at all. The effects of the pain killers seem to be wearing off cos I'm feeling a bit of blue black kinda pain on my ankle now. Today marks the start of a series of shag trainings. I am ready! ....

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What you can't see can't hurt you...

But tortures you

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Sunday was a long long day.
Woke up exceptionally early to go breakfast with my cousin and aunty. Didn't expect them to go ION. I was a in a Mickey Tee, Converse board shorts and slippers... -_-"  Power. I tried to put on a comfortable look. Ya I think Botak is no longer a big problem anymore since I can wear so cui and walk around ION in comfort.

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Gathering with
Melvin, Raven ..... (Done)

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