目前分類:我的故事 (55)

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I think, despite some hiccups this year was my best Christmas yet. From the Christmas shopping to the celebration, i think this is the first time I go through the wholeness process of Christmas.

The shopping was a headache and slight heartache on the money side but... I feel that the joy of giving and seeing the 'wow' face when the person receives the gift is priceless. Buying gifts for someone means that you have to think of what the person likes needs or wants, it kinda lead you into remembering the blessing and things you went through with that person. Eventually you become thankful.

I think the most satisfying present I bought is the one for my Mum and Godmother. Seeing how much they like the gifts I feel great. After what I went through the past 2 years, I think I have learnt to not take people for granted easily. That is why I am willing to give.

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Night Attack

It seem like a horror movie that play throughout the night till first light. Being in it, I trembled when I woke up. Thank God for mp3 and I prayed before going back to sleep again. I was worried. Worried that something happened while I was away and it was just the second night. My heart only come to a total rest when my cousin told me nothing happened at home and she will pray for me. That haunting never come again.

Chickenpox Fear

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Even before I leave for it, I am already visualizing the day I come back. I kinda not sure why I dread it so much. Maybe is the really cui living condition? Or maybe its the super turn off 2 by 1 botak haircut?  I am so so so worried... Cos I didn't follow the rule. I really hope that 22 days later I can blog and say I came back without any punishments! I got one last chance and should I take it? ? ? to cut it at the airport's speed cut????


I am so used to being a civilian the past few days. I went back to TP today and omg somehow I feel so out of place there even though I dressed quite youthfy dupey. Haiz... yuan lai 18 years old and 21 years old zhen de yo difference de. --_-- . They look more kiddish. 

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I never treated them seriously.

Because I never felt that they carry weight.

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假日的第二天, 不舍得睡過頭的我早上8點就起床了。 興奮的准備和朋友去釣螃蟹。我活的21年的第一次。那感覺還真有點新鮮。 收獲還不錯啦, 有7-8個花蟹。
當然,重頭戲是BBQ。有肉有酒,我們可是吃到肚子爆。 酒也喝了不少。回到家我可是累到不行了。但卻沒想到我今天5點多就自動的醒了。而且是非常清醒。也許是

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Finally I have catch up with my sleeping. It was a normal day. A normal day I was looking forward to. Listening to music, reading my comics, do some workout and then chill out with a friend at night. Starting to feel like the person I was before NS. The next few days I am just going to do the things I used to do when I was free.

Meeting people for lunch/dinner/supper


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As long as it is over, at least for this short while... I am not going to talk about it anymore.

After surviving on little sleeps due to the setting up of the medical post for AHM the past few days. My body is burning hot from the heat of the sun. As tiring as outfields, I would say. My body just refused to listen now and it seems like my knee is hurting a bit more.

The tiring journey started on friday. It was Melvin's birthday and sort of gathering of friends from different cliques. Well 1 event kill 2 purpose not bad eh. It was down at the Irish pub at Marina Square. A great place with right atmosphere though I think hardly would anyone find that place. I think 1 thing I remembered clearly wasn't the daring games and Melvin being dead drunk. Rather a friend of mine shared this. I felt so isolated from the outside world after entering army esp during confinement week. It was like how I have been feeling ever since. Feeling of not being part of the civilian world that emptyness and mudaness.

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 I was in pain, it felt like my right eye is going to pop out. Both eyes were tearing non-stop, mucous coming out from my nose uncontrollably.. It was like soap that got into your eyes.....

The pain was violent...

My cousin sent me to hospital immediately... For the first time I felt so afraid and helpless. I couldn't open my eyes at all. They have to put anesthetic eye drop to numb my pain. When they were checking my visual acuity, my right eye can't see shit at all. Damn... they even said that my eyesight might not be perfect after I recover....

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I can't see the link but , its too much of a coincidence. Last sunday, some smart girl decided to do an experiment on me and challenged me to Subw@y (if you know me, you know the thing I have with Subw@ys) . 3 days later I am down with sore eye (right). Now my right eye seem smaller than usual and red with tears welling up all the time. Oh well the only benefit I get out of the experiment is 3 days MC. Not too bad, I am enjoying the rest...

Saw my parcel, the thought having something new always excites me. New ITouch, new watch and now new clothes.... Thank you all for the presents! Celebrated my birthday with T.A last saturday. Picture should be here soon. .. The only turned off was we didn't get to watch IP Man 2 ... but then again I was quite tired on that day so.... I don't mind giving it a miss. 

Hmmm, I think thats all I can blog.... byez.

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What an irony, labour day doesn't seem to benefit me in any way. It was first week in my company. Had so much things I need to adapt to. The load I am carrying and I lived on the fifth floor, its no joke, sometimes my leg shivers after that.. Next, I have to adapt to the people there, its a total different culture there, I hate to look like that but sometimes it does looks like I am trying too hard. The lifestyle was the ultimate adaption I need to do. 1 moment I am relaxing then the next moment I have to run up and down for inspections. I was constantly in an uptight mode because the people there aren't really informative about what I should bring and the fact that my mp3 is still not here yet doesn't help, I can only sleep early and hope friday comes faster. Up and down with my stretcher, medic pouch, field pack and sbo are tearing my body apart.

The only time I can catch my breath is when I stepped out of the camp. Even so, I have to worry because the delay in booking out was so late that I am going to be late for cell group. The moment I reached home, the first thing I looked for is my temp mp3... I should have tried to smuggle that in, I needed it so much. I finally settle down when I sat down for cell group. I thought I could make it for praise and worship, I wanted so badly to bask in God's pressence wanted so much to cry out to God but I missed it cos I was late.

It was also saddening to know that a cg member of mine lost her loved one. Somehow I know how it feels but I didn't know how to express it. Throughout the journey to the place I kept thinking how or what should I do or say when I reach the wake. I didn't want to just make up for the numbers or just go there for a chit chat session. I struggled to find the purpose of me being there but still I did not said much to her cos I thought I'm not that close to say much and so all I could say was take care. 

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Hmmm.... the past few days, my dreams have been rather... realistic-ally real.. I have been dreaming of my friends of different cliques.
Just dreaming of normal life with them...
Its interesting, its not like I watch it by the side as an audience I am actually seeing things happen as one of the character inside , and when its time to wake up , it would just have proper ending ..... or something like to be continued ... I would then wake up dying to know what happens next.

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Time flies and its saturday once again. It was flo's birthday and so me and tomo met up earlier to find presents. I think generally guys really suck at figuring out what to buy for a present but better at looking for that present. Ah Gong wasn't really helping by telling us last min what flo wants. Typically us, we took our own sweet time while shopping for the present, a lot of times we side tracked to looked at our own things.... We only start to panick at the last 1/2 hour. We ended up buying her favourite brand of fragrance. I am so tempted to buy for myself too but I think I need to control my spendings. April and May ain't going to be kind on my wallet. Still .. I couldn't control myself and spent some money online just mins ago...

nvm no regrets...

Anyways, as expected there were a lot of guest in her party. Hehehe quite a few pretty ones too.. *opps.. being us we looked for a quiet place to settle ourselves down and went to kope food to satisfy our hunger. We were so outnumbered, and we wonder to ourselve why we always seem so outnumbered. It seemed like shes really really busy... that somehow she forgot about us... -_-... we didn't even know she is cutting the cake untill they start singing. Again that is why I never wanted a big party... i don't like to do entertaining.. We wrote the cards , snap snap and went off to white sands to chill. I think we attracted some unwanted stares or maybe ah gong was just being sensitive... or maybe it was my C.Audiger tee... I guess I was too loud on my dressing...

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First and foremost, thank you's to my insurance agent for a nice birthday treat. My poly friends for a really practical gift.. wahahaha... that is $$$...
Then to my cell group members and of course the new friends for celebrating my birthday with me. I was just really expecting a normal weekend. Oh lots of unexpected blessings from unexpected people eh. Maybe I was too pessimistic...
Anyway Thank you's to all for making an effort to do sth for me..

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My 20th wasn't exactly quite pleasent. In fact it marked the start of all the bad events that happened.
As if it happens yesterday, my 21st is approaching. There were so much growing up to do during the year and things around me starts to collapse.
Soon even myself i'm collapsing too.. literally and mentally. Recently my aunt told me my mum complains of some lumps on the head. I just felt so numb after that. After all that has happened I really am, losing interest in alot of things at some time even in life itself. Sometimes I fight and when the victory seems to come another bigger battle just presents itself in front of me... In some way or other I think I've changed, but to what I am not sure I can't see it myself...

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  • Mar 13 Sat 2010 11:32
  • Praise

" Its easy to praise God during good times...
  What about bad times? "

Story of Job. You will never fully understand it until you've experienced it. It started with little thing like my mp3 dropping into the toilet bowl. Followed by 2 consecutive night of nightmares. I shan't describe it but it is ugly. Something at home happened, my cousin's wife had a miscarriage and The final blow for the week, my aunt's cancer has spread to her lungs. Hearing all these at 1 go. I don't even know what to feel. I'm drained. I'm tired. I feel numb. I feel pain.

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Christ did not think only of himself. Rather as scripture says, "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me".

Its easy to love people who are love-able.

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我們TA的一個小團圓因為阿SA 回來咯!

T.A with Huda and Siryin

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I think it has been some time I really update about my life. Here it goes...

Since I got out of Tekong, I got posted to Ngee Soon Camp. I'm training to be a Combat Medic. 10 weeks of paramedic course and then 3 weeks of combat phase medic. So I'll be in there till March before I got posted to a permenent unit. It feels like staying in a hostel studying in a human health school. Compared to Tekong, it is way less physical but more of a mental torture here. My typical day starts at 6am in the morning. Breakfast, theory lessons, lunch , practical lesson and then the day ends at about 6pm.

After that I would have nothing to do at all and I can't go home... We can do sports but well.. so far my bunk mates don't really look sporty to me. I hope I'm wrong though. If not, I can only read books, listen to mp3 and lie on the bed till I fall asleep. Its damn boring! On the bright side we can bring our own tidbits but seriously now that I am fitter I am not going to make myself fatter... Thats the army side of my life.Oh and it seems that it is God's will that I'm in there. Everything seem so deja vu , just like how I dreamt about it months ago. Vivid and Clear. How I wish God can reveal somemore of my future to me....

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" Warmth , Love and Peace "

X'mas, my favourite day of the year. The day we all get together to feast, to have fun and to catch up with each other.

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