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Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Oh yeshh.. its 1st July 2009. I have officially resigned from my work and I'm free O wee...
So ... I have joined the slackers gang... hur hur hur...
Birds of the same feather flock together ma.. So we slack together lor..

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 28 Sun 2009 23:49
  • Today

Today had a soccer match at Woodlands. Really ulu pandan place man. Anyways, it was a very physical match... i got bruises here and there..Ouchh....
Went home for dinner and decided to chill out at Starbucks with Ravy... Wee.. 2 more days and I would have no more work... and I can start booking my Tioman trip... Anyway I worked a good O 110 hours for the month of June .. no wonder I feel so tired.. Usually its only like 70+ hours per month. I think I should start planning what I should do for the next 3 months.

1) Chill out at a really exotic place/ Go on another trip outta S'pore

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hmm I've some time here before I am out so lets do a lil update.
Lately I've been packing my day full everyday. To kick off that boredomnism. Can't really remember what I did each day. Only know if I am not back by 10pm I won't be back by 1am... each day. Well whats really execiting was my God mama and cousin are shifting house.. WooHooo.. out of that super inconvinient place. Most likely shifting to Laguna Park, just beside Victoria Sec... Its East Coast just behind and so next time I can be at the beach anytime with my bikey..

I need to find a balance in my lifestyle. Too lil activities cause me to get really emo kimo at home. While too many activities are making me tired and fatigue.

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Now I do not know who knows this blog or who reads this. I am more comfortable sharing to people whom I would not know reads this blog.

A lot of people 've been showing me concern, encouragements.. etc...  and I guess I haven't been appreciative or cold towards their smses.. I just wanna say sorry...but thats just the way I am, my aunt's sickness just magnifies what I already am.. so don't get the wrong idea that it is this incident that caused me to be like whatever u would describe in ur own words ..

I think not just my friends but even my mum is at lost too for 20 yrs.

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I knew I had to vent them out. I am glad it was all out on the pitch. I 've never worked so hard before. I ran, I chased ruthelessly for the ball. I knew my legs can't take it anymore. It was the last shot, i bet my legs on it and as expected snap.. I was on the ground. Both of it cramped and a sharp pain on my right knee. The pain was uncomfortable but I seem to like it. It seem to be an emotion distraction strong enough to keep me distracted momentarily at least. After that, I limped myself off the pitch and off home.. It was more painful than I thought it would be.

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Mar 08 Sun 2009 01:36
  • 離開

我夢寐以求的畢業旅行終于實現了。也來對了時間。真的好想離開一陣子﹐把一切的不快樂忘掉好好的享受自己。 也許是種逃避吧。家﹐我始終還是無法讓它從一個陌生與冷落無情的地方到一個溫馨的樂園反而被它變成今天的我。不喜歡﹐我不喜歡這個不會關心不會愛不會表達自己的我。 我不喜歡這個家一直被人討厭的感覺﹐ 我受夠了。。討厭我就滾開. 累了﹐諾要讓它墮落下去就這樣吧。 累了﹐真的累了。 

well 一周後見吧。 回來再說。  

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Feb 28 Sat 2009 04:09
  • 道謝


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Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

也許是我不想浪費一分一秒吧。。。 所以搞出病來了。。。 ★啊痛苦 。。。 

星期六﹕Hmmm 看一下 higlights 吧 。。。 

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

哇﹗ 好久沒來。。。 最近都在和病魔對抗。。。 可憐的我﹐ 根本都沒人管我的生死但也不能怪任何入平時的我﹐ 都不常和人分享我的問題什么事都往自己的肚子里吞可能除了愛開玩笑﹐逗人家開心 其實我根本不會表達自己老愛裝出一副人身一帆風順的臉所以才會在這里開一個部落格。把心里想說的話都寫在這里然後都不告訴這里的地址但在大家知道的部落里我還是把這里的地址放在一個隱秘的地方就看那個人有緣嗎吧

Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 'Family' you are supposed to be the ones closer to me, showing me more concern and sharing more of my joy and sadness but how come the surprising thing is my friends seem to be the ones doing that more.


Carlsbluey 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hey there, can I wake up in the morning and lost all my memories?
I don't know how to describe this feeling I am having but I just keep having this thought.

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