As long as it is over, at least for this short while... I am not going to talk about it anymore.

After surviving on little sleeps due to the setting up of the medical post for AHM the past few days. My body is burning hot from the heat of the sun. As tiring as outfields, I would say. My body just refused to listen now and it seems like my knee is hurting a bit more.

The tiring journey started on friday. It was Melvin's birthday and sort of gathering of friends from different cliques. Well 1 event kill 2 purpose not bad eh. It was down at the Irish pub at Marina Square. A great place with right atmosphere though I think hardly would anyone find that place. I think 1 thing I remembered clearly wasn't the daring games and Melvin being dead drunk. Rather a friend of mine shared this. I felt so isolated from the outside world after entering army esp during confinement week. It was like how I have been feeling ever since. Feeling of not being part of the civilian world that emptyness and mudaness.

The party ends at 12am and then we decided to go supper. So it was around 3 that I finally settle down at my bed and before I know I need to get up and reach camp by 6.45am for the AHM setup until night falls. Dinner under the stars were exceptionally pleasent though. It was a first time for me. Under the city lights and stars having dinner in a long table with loads of friends. Feels good. After that we had to man our stations till AHM ends which is the next day and then finally collapsing everything before we can go.

I am just just so glad that all the major events are over... I am now left with 8 major exercise exclusive of all the small outfields. I really need to charge up this week at the same time build up my fitness...

This song has a special feel, a soothing effect.

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