My 20th wasn't exactly quite pleasent. In fact it marked the start of all the bad events that happened.
As if it happens yesterday, my 21st is approaching. There were so much growing up to do during the year and things around me starts to collapse.
Soon even myself i'm collapsing too.. literally and mentally. Recently my aunt told me my mum complains of some lumps on the head. I just felt so numb after that. After all that has happened I really am, losing interest in alot of things at some time even in life itself. Sometimes I fight and when the victory seems to come another bigger battle just presents itself in front of me... In some way or other I think I've changed, but to what I am not sure I can't see it myself...

While many people are happily planning their 21st I am not exactly excited about it at all.. Please to all those I did not attend your birthdays, forgive me, not that I wanna be tao or what, I really didn't have the mood to either attend yours or invite you to mine(i'm not even planning anything) . Trust me its not that I am breaking off contacts with you all. To those who knows whats going on I'm sure you all understand, but to those who doesn't know anything and are whining.... THATS YOUR PROBLEM!

I will meet up with you all soon, don't worry about me...

I really just hope nth goes wrong anymore...still 

IN GOD I trust...

Help me to be a warmer person this year...
I miss this mee....
Sun On Me 


Great Ocean Road -Australia..

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