I am back from Ipoh. Indeed it was a faith booster trip.

Ipoh compared to Singapore is much much less developed. People there live a simple life. So are the people there. Simple and sincere. We were extremely well treated there by Pastor Lian himself and his staff Kenny. Drove us around, treat us to breakfast, Lunch and dinner sometimes even supper. God bless them..

Going on a mission trip stretches you. Your capacity, your faith , your initiative and physically. I felt closer to God. Truly everyday I had to lean on his strength not physical strength but spiritual and mental strength so that I can be a blessing to the people there. We went there to help build up their church. Some of us help to lead worship, some preached, some shared offerings and personal testimony, some helped to be a catcher cum usher during ministry time. For me I shared my personal testimony and also the little things I can help out in. It was a chinese church and so a lot of us had problem translating to English and also to share in chinese in front of a congregation. Going up there alone requires faith let alone share in chinese. But well through God nothing is impossible.

We went to 3 churches to share, Ipoh, Gan Ba and Tai Ping harvest church. They are a very young church, their worship team are young too. Some as young as 6 (drummer). Most of them in their teens (13-19).  What I admire most about that is, when I was their age, I am still being spoon fed (Spiritually) and seeing how much faith they have, blessed me alot. Though technically they might not be as good as our church''s worship team but.... BUT.... God's pressence is still there because they have the heart and the desire for it.

No point regretting for wasting my youth away, but now on I want to live a Faith-Fulll life and a God Chasing guy.

Mission trip has helped me to overcome my fear of stepping out. Overcome my feeling of insecurity because of my flaws.  I am blessed..
Spiritually and Physically (esp my stomach) . The song in the previous entry speaks of how I felt .... enjoy it...

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